Saturday, March 7, 2009

Do you often take what is on the Internet as truth without thinking much about it? If yes, why? If no, why? Discuss this in your own words.

No, because the source in the internet is not all true, some of it is wrong by other people who can edited it by them itself. Let take an easy example, Wikipedia. This web has known for all, and this web can easily be edited by any people weather it is wrong or right. We can't easily trust this web because the source could be from people who gave their own thought as a source for all. Own thought is not probably wright because it should state a source of something that is fact.

Personal reflection on media culture class.

The class is getting much more happier yet funny, the lecturers are something make funny jokes so that this class wont seem like nothing interesting bout the subject.
posted by philopatterns at 7:10 PM |


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