Saturday, April 11, 2009
topic for this week..

Using McLuhan's "Tetrad of Media" choose a medium or media application or tool (e.g. newspaper, books, radio, tv, film, internet, computer games, handphone, instant messaging, blogging, online advertising, youtube, facebook etc.) and explain its media effects.

Critical Reflection
I choose a mobile phone. It also called as cellphone or handphone. It is a long-range electronic device used for mobile voice or data communication over a network of specialized base stations known as cell sites. It has standard voice function and accessories of a mobile phone. Such as SMS for text messanging, email, packet switching for access to the internet, gamming, bluetooth, infrared, camera with video recorder and MMS for sending and receiving photos and video, MP3 player, radio and GPRS. A mobile phone proper typically has a keypad and some of them have a touchscreen. For me it's a powerful base station covering a wide area. Mobile phone is having a profound impact both economically and socially. Like it's electronic cousins (the TV and pc).

There is now a considerable body of evidence proving that microwave radiation from mobile phones and cordless phones causes brain tumors, disturbed brain function and other health disturbances. The reason is that their microwave radiation has harmful effects at intensity levels far below the values still declared as safe. These safety norms are unacceptable and must be update, now that it is confirmed by a considerable body of evidence that they permit far too strong radiation. The conclusion is people should be very restrictive with using mobile phones as there is a significant body of compelling scientific evidence indicating serious hazardz from their usage. Therefore, reduce the usage to very few and brief calls. Moreover, it has been repeatedly confirmed that the radiation from base stations is harmful to health. In the analysis of the effect of mobile phone equipment on the semen it was noted that an increase in the percentage of sperm cells of abnormal morphology is associated with the duration of exposure to the waves emitted by the mobile phone. It was also confirmed that a decrease in the percentage of sperm cells in the vital progressing motility in the semen is correlated with the frequency of using mobile phone. A decrease in the percentage of live sperm cell in a vital, progressive motility in semen is correlated with the frequency of usage of mobile phones.

The four laws of media further exhibit McLuhan's abiding concern with pedagogy. It's to be used as tools to analyze the patterns of effects that different technologies produce. Although McLuhan sometimes talked about them as succeeding in a chronogical order. The tetrad is not meant to be a scientific tool, but one for exploration of the "grammar and syntax" of each artefact.

Laws of media provides examples of the tetrad in use:

What does the cell phone enhance?

  • Interpersonal communication
  • Accessibility
  • Response time
What does it make obsolete?
  • Phone booths
  • Privacy and anonymity
  • Isolation and the home
What does it retrieve?
  • Tribal culture
  • Acoustic space
  • Cameras
What does it flip into when pushes to extremes?
  • Letters
  • the sender is sent
Personal reflection:
For me, this week mlc class is more enjoyful because i think i pay attention while the lecturer is at front. Overall, what had lecturer tell us is important and easily for student to understand the lecture class. Lastly, i hope that there's no more assignment. For me this week is 'Stress Week' because lots of assignment must be done ASAP.

A cell phone


  1. Lower the volume of your voice if you are using your phone in a public place. The microphone on the phone is very sensitive, and those around you are unlikely to be interested in your private conversation.
  2. Turn the phone off or set it to the silent-vibrate function when at religious gatherings, at business meetings, at a movie or other public event, or in a restaurant.
  3. Do not use a hand-held phone while driving.
  4. Using a mobile phone while driving may be as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol


posted by philopatterns at 2:50 AM |


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